Monthly Archives: April 2012


In the Virunga Mountains of Rwanda with a Silverback Mountain Gorilla - one of my moments

Captivating, amusing, beautiful, engaging, thrilling, pleasurable moments.  That’s what delights me.  It can be as simple as savoring my favorite dark chocolate candy bar – a big one – totally immersed in my comfort zone or as thrilling as searching for critically endangered Mountain Gorilla in the steep volcanic mountain jungles of Rwanda – talk about being out of my comfort zone.

As I become more aware a delightful moment is happening, I’ve also noticed I can go days or weeks without one.  That will no longer do.  I’ve decided to pursue creating delightful  moments in my life each day. The idea intrigues me and I can’t wait to get started.

My cat enjoying a delightful moment

Imagine waking up every day and engaging in something that brings you delight.  Imagine having that to look forward to.  It can happen in a moment or last all day.  It is different for each of us and available to us all.  Share the journey with me.  What delights you?  My cat is having one of those moments.

Becci Crowe      Adventure Artist

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